Every Photo Tells…

Fortnightly podcast stories based on a photograph. With co-host Mick Bordet, we bring to you short stories of all genres and written by a ton of different people. Every month there is a new photo that will inspire new stories, so check it out and get inspired too!



2015-11-27 20.48.10 KopieThe Wookiee Rookiee Podcast

Did you know that there exist people who have never seen the original Star Wars trilogy? It’s true!

Katharina is one such soul who would like to be able to enjoy the forthcoming “The Force Awakens” without skipping over a whole generation of the story. Chris and Mick, caring types that they are, decided that if she’s going to watch the original series after all these years of steadfast refusal, then she should probably go back and watch the whole six movies in chronological order. In this podcast we discuss how that experience went, one episode at a time.

Check it out here.


Guest Appearances & Voice Work

Sometimes I take part in other people’s creative endeavours and the following are places where I’ve contributed my voice.

Philippa Ballantine  – Digital Magic: Chapter 15 & 17
Laura Nicole – Absolution: Chapter 3
Jim Ryan – Every World News: 002 So Improbable As To Defy Description!
Nobilis – Riskwear