Did you know that there exist people who have never seen the original Star Wars trilogy? It’s true!

Katharina is one such soul who would like to be able to enjoy the forthcoming “The Force Awakens” without skipping over a whole generation of the story. Chris and Mick, caring types that they are, decided that if she’s going to watch the original series after all these years of steadfast refusal, then she should probably go back and watch the whole six movies in chronological order. In this podcast we discuss how that experience went, one episode at a time.

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Episode 0 – Opening Crawl

In which we introduce ourselves and the purpose of the existence of this delectable audio morsel.

We mention the following video clips you might want to check out to see what on earth we’re talking about:

Katharina (the actual Wookiee Rookiee) cut her podcasting teeth on the Three Heroes Podcast many many years ago and is currently working on the second book in her Coffee Fantasy series, the first of which (The Coffee Legacy – http://www.wiener-blut.com) is available in audio podcast form. Her website is at http://www.maimer.net, where you’ll find all sorts of interesting things related to photography, food, coffee and Austria. She is also co-host (with Mick) of the Every Photo Tells… Podcast, where you will find over 150 short stories in all genres from a range of authors.

Mick also writes and podcasts, both with Katharina on EPT and in his own ongoing audio podcast about strange goings-on, conspiracy and ancient technology (Some Other Scotland – http://someotherscotland.com). His own website at http://www.mickbordet.com is host to his musical endeavours and related activities (such as occasional concert and album reviews).

Chris co-hosts the Eleventh Hour Podcast (http://ehpodcast.com), now in its 5th year of regular Doctor Who goodness, which has spun off its own successful siblings. Chris & Joe Do A Thing (http://jcdothing.blogspot.co.at) covers topics as diverse as slow sci-fi, wresting, horror and anything else they stumble upon along the way. Meanwhile, over on the Last Word Podcast (http://lastwordpodcast.blogspot.co.at) Chris introduces Alirio to the classic UK TV series Press Gang.